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1. Because we see the people that need help when HOPE is lost

2. Because most churches offer no training to help YOU restore HOPE

  •  9/10 churches purpose NONE of their programs to Train you with the Skills to rescue the hopeless.

  • 4/5 churches purpose ALL of their programs on helping your vertical (You & God) relationship.

3. Because God wants US to restore HOPE

We are commanded to TAKE CARE:

  • of the poor   (Deuteronomy 15:1-18; Psalm 35:10; Matthew 6:1-4, 19-21)

  • of orphans and widows   (Deuteronomy 24:17-21; James 1:27)

  • of the hungry, thirsty, strangers, naked, sick and those in prison   (Leviticus 19:9-18, 33-34; Matthew 25:44-45)

4. Because YOU are the best “program” to restore HOPE in your community

  • Many church outreach plans do not involve going off the church property. They always get you to help their program be a success. Usually IN the church building or to an offsite short-term event to chance strangers.

  • Many leaders never ask how they can help YOU rescue and set free your hopeless friends and neighbors.

YOU are the church’s best program to restore hope in your community!